Rosic Djordje
Dyoko Rosic
Dzokó Rosic
Djoko Rosich
Dzokó Rosich
Jocko Rositch
Georgi Rositsch
Djokó Rosiè
Djoko Rossich
Dzsokó Rossich
Jocko Rossitch
Dzsoko Roszich
Dzsoko Roszics
Dzsokó Roszics
Đoko Rosić
Джоко Росич
Djoko Rosic, Acting
Krupanj, Serbia, Yugoslavia | 1932-02-28 | 2014-02-21
Bulgarian actor of Serbian descent. Father is Serbian and mother is Bulgarian. Actively starred in Hungarian cinema. At the age of 19 (1951) he emigrated to Bulgaria for political reasons. In 1957 he graduated from the University of National and World Economy in Sofia. For 17 years he worked as a journalist for the Bulgarian National Radio. In 1962 he made his debut in Bulgarian cinema. Since then, he has acted in more than 110 films, mostly in Bulgaria, and since 1975 in films by Hungarian and Yugoslav filmmakers.